Partners & External Resources
Apart from HPC training supported by PRACE, there is an entire ecosystem of HPC user/application communities and training providers. Please find below links to training offerings from other organisations, as well as relevant projects and initiatives.
External Training Portals
European HPC centres
- BSC in Barcelona, Spain
- CINECA in Bologna, Italy
- CSC – IT Center for Science, Ltd in Espoo, Finland; includes links to training material
- EPCC in Edinburgh, UK
- Courses run by EPCC, including courses provided as part of the ARCHER UK national HPC service, and PATC courses.
- The ARCHER Online Training page, with links to Virtual Tutorials and Webinars organised as part of the ARCHER UK national HPC service, the ARCHER YouTube channel, and a repository of other course materials.
- MSc in High Performance Computing and MSc in High Performance Computing and Data Science courses.
- HLRS, the High-Performance Computing Centre, Stuttgart, in Germany; includes links to online courses (recordings of courses plus PDF notes) – access requires sign-up to mailing list
- ICHEC, the Irish Centre for High-End Computing, Ireland
- IT4Innovations, the National Supercomputing Center of the Czech Republic
- JSC – Jülich Supercomputing Centre in Germany
- LRZ – Leibniz Supercomputing Centre in Germany; includes links to training course material.
- Maison de la Simulation (MdS) in France (a partnership of CEA, CNRS, INRIA, Université d’Orsay et Université de Versailles St Quentin).
- NCSA, the National Centre for Supercomputing Applications in Bulgaria.
- PSNC, Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center in Poland.
- VSC, the Vienna Scientific Cluster is a collaboration of several Austrian universities, which provides supercomputer resources and corresponding services to their users. The VSC School Seminar offers seminar-like lectures as well as traditional training courses with hands-on sessions. It is open to all interested scientists and students. Prerequisites are good programming skills and some experience with running moderately large parallel codes.
European HPC Centres of Excellence (CoEs) and FET HPC Projects
- ESCAPE, Energy-efficient Scalable Algorithms for Weather Prediction at Exascale
- INTERTWinE, Programming Model Interoperability Towards Exascale
- BioExcel, the Centre of Excellence in HPC for biomolecular research – see
- E-CAM, the Centre of Excellence for Software, Training and Discussion in Simulation and Modeling
- POP, the Centre of Excellence in Performance Optimisation and Productivity, runs courses and also provides training material and exercises on parallel programming in general as well as on specific performance tools, analysis methods and optimisation techniques.
Other organisations that provide training in HPC-related topics
The HPC University is a virtual organisation of mainly US-based partners, but including PRACE and the Cyprus Institute, which seeks to provide a cohesive, persistent, and sustainable on-line environment for training materials in all HPC computing environments.
The Supercomputing Training Portal was a European-funded project which collected and curated HPC training content and provided access to an educational HPC cluster for the purpose of engaging in hands-on HPC education and training.
The International HPC Training Consortium maintains a list of training resources with links to more training providers, tutorials and documentation.
The SIGHPC Education Chapter maintains a list of education and training materials which focus on computational science skills. Videos and slides from their seminar series are also available.
Argonne National Laboratory has a variety of useful resources on its ANL YouTube channel, including videos of all of the lectures from the Argonne Training Program on Extreme-Scale Computing (ATPESC) 2016.
XSEDE, the US-based Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment, has links to some online tutorials, and maintains a list of live, online and asynchronous courses, ranging from 1-hour courses to several days.
NVIDIA has an extensive set of links to online courses on programming CUDA, as well as a YouTube CUDACasts channel.
The IDEAS project (Interoperable Design of Extreme-Scale Application Software) has a series of free webinars on Best Practices for HPC Software Developers. The webinars are independent from each other, so you can join any or all of them, and past webinars are archived on the website. To receive announcements of upcoming webinars and other IDEAS events, subscribe to their mailing list.
HPC-Europa Transnational Access research visit programme
HPC-Europa is an EC-funded programme which offers fully-funded Transnational Access collaborative visits for researchers at postgraduate level or above, working in any discipline which can make use of High Performance Computing facilities. Applicants should be able to demonstrate that they have both a need to use HPC facilities (HPC experience is not necessarily a pre-requisite), and that they have identified a suitable host researcher in a similar field, with whom to collaborate. Visits can last up to 3 months. Calls for applications are launched 4 times per year. For more information, see